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Aug 5, 2023

About AM Tunnel vpn

A secure, customizable VPN you can use for free

AM Tunnel vpn is a free security and privacy tool that allows you to enjoy browsing the internet without risking your online safety. This VPN from AM TECHNOLOGY grants users the ability to mask their IP address in order to prevent hackers and third-party trackers from monitoring their web traffic. 

Similar to other VPN services like Turbo VPN and ExpressVPN, AM Tunnel vpn offers an array of networks that you can connect to. All of them offer stable yet high-speed connections that are optimized for various online activities like streaming and gaming.

What can it do?

With its user-friendly interface, AM Tunnel vpn presents an accessible platform for users who don’t have extensive knowledge of how to work VPNs to easily tunnel and encrypt their connection. As previously mentioned, users can access a number of different server locations and networks that they can freely try out in order to find one that best suits their needs.

You can keep track of your chosen server’s upload and download speeds, as well as how long you’ve been connected to the VPN. For advanced users, the app also allows further customization that allows you to create your own custom proxy and even upload or download any specific configurations. This allows you to share your settings with friends who may need them or transfer them to a separate device. 

Despite all of these great features, the app does have a number of bugs that can get in the way of usage. One of the most notable issues is the frequent crashing. With no way to work around this, users can only continuously attempt to open the app until they can make it to the home page. Another problem to note is that certain servers can take a long time to connect.

Reliable but could use some polishing

Overall, AM Tunnel vpn proves to be a good choice among the numerous VPNs available on the market thanks to its ease of use and the ability to curate your browsing experience based on your needs. While it does have some issues with app crashes and lengthy connection times, it does work quite well once you get past these problems.

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Android 9.0







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