About Avsar

Making learning more convenient

Avsar is a free educational app by the Directorate School Education Haryana. Designed for Indian students and teachers, it is a platform for ensuring convenient access to learning materials, local news, surveys, and many more. However, note that you need to log in to access the app’s content.

View educational materials

Avsar provides a schedule of EduSat lectures, so students know what to expect to learn on a particular day. Teacher-made videos are available for viewing, as well. Furthermore, assessments are organized by subject for everyone’s convenience. With a dedicated news portal, users can read the latest education news.

As mentioned, users must log in to use this app. Hence, teachers must enter their employee code whereas students must provide their name, birthday, school, class, and block. However, some people have reported seeing a white screen or experiencing log-in issues.

Annoying technical issues

To conclude, Avsar provides Indian users with easy access to educational content, including EduSat lectures and teacher-made videos. They can also read education sector-related news and view assessments for each subject. Its drawbacks, on the other hand, include log-in and white screen issues.

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Android 13.0






Directorate School Education Haryana

Version Name Version Size APK Download
1.18 16.08 MB Download

Avsar Screenshots