АЗС Газпромнефть Таджикистан - Loyalty Program for Gas Stations
АЗС Газпромнефть Таджикистан is an Android application developed by ГПН-Региональные продажи. It falls under the category of Travel & Navigation with a subcategory of Maps & GPS. The application is a loyalty program for the Gazpromneft gas station network in Tajikistan.
The application provides users with the ability to check their bonus card balance, view fuel prices, monitor changes in their bonus account, manage their profile settings, and take advantage of promotions and special offers. The app also includes a map of gas stations in the user's city.
Overall, the АЗС Газпромнефть Таджикистан app is a convenient tool for Gazpromneft gas station network loyalty program participants. The app is user-friendly and provides helpful information to users.