A free app for Android, by Small Games Ltd.
Carrom Lucky is a classic Indian board game that is popular in India and across the world. The game is played between two or four players on a board that is divided into 64 squares. Each player starts with 16 disks, and the objective is to be the first to get to the finish line. The way to get to the finish line is by taking all the other players' disks.
How to Play Carrom Lucky
The game starts with each player putting their disks into the playfield. The first player to get to the finish line wins the game. The way to start the game is by choosing a player and placing your disk on the board. You can only move in the direction that is indicated by the arrow. You can only move to a square that is directly below the square that you are standing on. If you move to the wrong square, you will lose your turn.
After you have taken your turn, you can move your disk to the next available square. There is a limit to how many moves you can make in a single turn.