Dragon Ball Z : Shin Budokai 2 icon


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Feb 17, 2023

About Dragon Ball Z : Shin Budokai 2

Fight your way to save the world

Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai 2 is a free arcade game. The gameplay is intuitive and straightforward, just like the rest of the games in the series, making it suitable for novices. Story, Tournament, Training, and Arcade are the four main gameplay pillars

In Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai 2 you can use the other three game types to level up your characters, strengthen their abilities, and amass the resources they'll need to save the world. You’ll be taking control of a popular character from the Dragon Ball Z anime and manga in story mode where you’ll save the world.

Dragon Ball Z franchise

In Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai 2, you can choose from a roster of characters from the Dragon Ball Z universe and engage in fast-paced, one-on-one battles. The game features a new story mode in which players can experience the events of the DBZ anime from the perspective of the villainous character, Majin Buu. The game also includes various multiplayer modes, allowing players to battle against each other.

The story mode is divided into several chapters, each focusing on a different character or event from the anime. You must complete various objectives in each chapter to progress through the story. In multiplayer mode, You can battle against other players. There are several different multiplayer modes to choose from, including standard one-on-one battles, team battles, and tournament modes.

Gameplay in this game involves using a variety of physical and energy-based attacks to defeat opponents. You can execute special moves and techniques from the anime, such as the Kamehameha and Spirit Bomb. The game also features a Transform system, allowing characters to transform into their stronger forms during battle. However,  some players may find the gameplay repetitive over time, as the battles can become formulaic.

A great fighting game

Despite having repetitive gameplay, overall, Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai 2 is a well-designed game that provides a fun and enjoyable experience for fans of the Dragon Ball Z franchise and fighting games in general. It is fast-paced and action-packed, providing players with an intense and immersive experience and the character roster, special moves and transformations, and powerups and items all add to the overall gameplay experience.

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Android 9.0






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