DraStic DS Emulator icon


r2.6.0.4a by Drastic

Jul 11, 2023

About DraStic DS Emulator

NDS emulator for Android

DraStic DS Emulator is a premium game utility application from Exophase. As the name implies, this is an emulator for Nintendo DS. With this, you can now play almost all games from the popular portable console on your mobile device.

Unlike most DS emulators, DraStic DS Emulator is designed to run on ARM. With this, you can expect better performance compared with emulators based on code for Windows programs. However, devices with limited RAM and single-core processors will see noticeable drops. Additionally, ROMs are not included, and you need a copy of the BIOs files for the Nintendo DS.

What does the app offer?

To get started with DraStic DS Emulator, you'll need to get the BIOS files for the Nintendo DS and drop them to your device's root storage folder, download folder, or SD card. With this, you'll need your own NDS system and ROM from the Nintendo DS games you have. Once done, start the app and select a game from the file browser.

What separates the app from other DS emulators is that it hosts a lot of nifty features. For one, it offers six different window modes for the two emulated screens of the Nintendo DS. There are options for big and little screens, a stacked view, and even a single full-screen view besides the default dual screen setup. Even better, you can swap them anytime using an assignable button.

While playing, you have complete access to the physical controls via virtual inputs. There is also an option to activate stylus mode for complete touchscreen control. Moreover, you have various visual and audio settings, including an FPS meter, an autosave function, and even a cloud storage file save feature that uploads and downloads from Google Drive. However, some players will find the lack of multiplayer support a little disappointing.

Is the emulator good?

Overall, DraStic DS Emulator is the best Nintendo DS emulator out there. It has a huge compatibility list and works great with most of the games on the portable console. It also hosts a wide variety of setting options, allowing you to configure your gaming experience to suit your needs. Sure, it lacks multiplayer support but considering its stellar performance, it can easily be overlooked.

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Android 9.0







Version Name Version Size APK Download
r2.5.2.2a 21.55 MB Download

DraStic DS Emulator Screenshots