Evernote - Notes Organizer Daily Planner icon


10.95.1 by Evernote

Jul 5, 2024

About Evernote - Notes Organizer Daily Planner

Excellent personal organizer for Android

Evernote is a free note-taking app designed to help you organize your life more effectively.

The idea behind Evernote is that you can save text, voice notes, images and other files using your phone, then access this information on your home computer or, indeed, any computer in the world. Equally, thanks to this online sharing approach, you can use the Evernote app to view notes you've made elsewhere.

Everything about Evernote is based around simplicity. The user interface of the app is clean and functional, making it easy for you to add and retrieve notes. Buttons on the home screen allow you to capture images and attach them on the fly, upload files, write text notes, and add audio notes.

Tagging and searching

Any note you add in Evernote can be tagged with your own custom tags, making it easier to access in future. The Evernote Android app lets you browse notes by tag, or you can use the powerful search tool, which not only browses text notes, but can even search text that's contained within images.

As useful as it is, the Evernote Android app is far from perfect at the moment. It doesn't save data locally, only to SD card; you always need to be connected and signed in to use it, and sometimes Evernote is very slow, taking an age to load notes. Hopefully these features will be addressed in future releases.

As it stands, Evernote does offer a fast and easy way of taking notes on your phone, then accessing them elsewhere.

Evernote Business support


  • Evernote Business support

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Android 13.0





Version Name Version Size APK Download
10.95.1 256.46 MB Download
10.94.1 256.18 MB Download
10.92.1 255.99 MB Download

Evernote - Notes Organizer Daily Planner Screenshots