Face Changer 2 icon


10.7 by Scoompa

Mar 1, 2024

About Face Changer 2

Free App for Image Conscious People

People who have been having fun with the original Face Changer app should make sure that they check out Face Changer 2. The second instalment comes packed with more features than ever before and there are also special downloads that can be selected to add even more fun into the mix.

Getting a Whole New Look

This time around, Face Changer 2 offers users the chance to swap faces with absolutely anyone in the world, including famous celebrities and even the president of the USA. There are lots of cool ways of enhancing the new images such as with stickers that are arranged by theme to help make it easy for users to find what they are looking for. Photographs can be morphed to a selection of different backgrounds, while text can also be added to really make a statement and get the message across with a whole host of different fonts to choose from.

Changing Your Image

With the ability to manipulate faces of celebrities as well as those of friends and family, Face Changer 2 offers hours of fun that people of all ages are sure to enjoy. White this app is free to download and use, it should be noted that several of the extra sticker packs and other goodies that are regularly offered have to be paid for and making in app purchases can be rather costly.

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Android 13.0







Version Name Version Size APK Download
8.3 29.42 MB Download

Face Changer 2 Screenshots