Firefox Preview icon


129.0a1 by Mozilla Foundation

Jun 15, 2024

About Firefox Preview

The rise of the Fenix

Firefox Fenix is a browser that is designed ideally for a more convenient mobile browsing experience. Created by Mozilla, it is made a couple more times better than the Firefox browser when it comes to mobile internet browsing. Firefox Fenix not only is equipped with a faster browsing engine that is perfect for instant and on-the-go searching, but its functions and features are also arranged perfectly for one-hand access.

Tabs and sessions

One of the things that the Fenix browser changes significantly is tabs management. All known mobile browsers do support multiple tabs with the option to either delete them or retain them. Fenix does too, except it is able to group tabs together by session instead of just letting them floating freely until visited again. When users close the browser and do not open it again for a long period of time, Fenix automatically files the left open tabs into 1 session. This means that when users visit Fenix again, they will be greeted by a completely new and fresh tab, which also marks the start of another browsing session. The tabs that were left open from the previous session are no longer displayed with your most recent tabs but are still accessible. If you want to revisit your old tabs, you will see them on the browser’s main page. 

Change themes

For people who have sensitive eyes and cannot tolerate screen brightness for long periods of time, Fenix browser brings you good news. Unlike other mobile browsers, Fenix allows its users to switch between light and dark themes. Not only is this helpful for people who easily get headaches from too much screen brightness but at the same time, the browser’s dark theme makes it look more classy, modern, and professional-looking. 

Search and menu

As mentioned, Fenix works on making mobile browsing easier and convenient. Aside from creating collections of tabs per session and having two available themes, Fenix also takes note of the way its functions and features are positioned. For starters, it is remarkable how they put the search bar at the very bottom of the screen instead of on top, making it easier to tap on. Even the Bookmarks and More options button are placed on the bottom part of the browser. As for the main menu, it is also designed to appear a bit lower and against the side of your screen for the same purpose of users being able to reach all the functions even with just one hand holding the mobile device. 

A browser to match your pace

Firefox Fenix is the perfect on-the-go web browser especially for people who barely have the time to pause, sit down, and conduct intensive research. It is able to organize tabs and sessions, strategically position its functions, and even appeal to user aesthetics with its light and dark themes. Firefox Fenix is a promising browser that fits your mobile browsing needs. 

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Android 13.0






Mozilla Foundation

Version Name Version Size APK Download
122.0a1 101.36 MB Download
121.0a1 98.45 MB Download
120.0a1 101.33 MB Download

Firefox Preview Screenshots