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1.2 by Flashlight Projector

About Flashlight Video Projector

Free projector app for mobile

Flashlight Video Projector is a multimedia application developed by Flashlight Projector. As the name suggests, this free app works as a portable projector for all the media files stored on your mobile device. With this, you can see your videos and photos on a larger screen by flashing them on any wall.

More than your photos and videos, Flashlight Video Projector also allows you to project your screen. With this, you can watch movies and even play games using a larger screen. However, initializing this feature takes ages. Worse, all the features that the app offers sometimes fail to work. 

What can the app do?

The Flashlight Video Projector takes the idea of a portable projector to the next level. As mentioned, it turns your mobile phone into a projector by allowing you to flash your videos and photos to any surface, such as walls and floors. The app utilizes Android Photo Intensity Variable Motor, allowing it to work on any phone with a camera and flashlight.

Using the app is easy. Once launched, you will see all the functions that the app has. The first option is for projecting the image gallery. Tapping the button will direct you to your gallery app, where you can choose the image you wish to project. The same process goes for flashing your gallery videos. However, note that projecting takes ages. Sometimes, the app even fails.

The third option is to project your screen. Whatever you're doing on your phone, it will be shown on the screen in real-time. With this, you can stream movies, play games, and even use your phone for presentations. However, as mentioned, initializing this function takes too long. And like the image and video projecting features, it also often fails to work.

Is the app good?

Reading its description, Flashlight Video Projector seems like a good mobile app to have. With it, you have a portable projector that you can carry anywhere. You can also project your media files on any surface. However, while it is easy to use and has useful features, the app is too unreliable. Most of the time, its functions do not work. It is not something worth picking up. 

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Android 7.0






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