Superhero gods
Gods of Rome is the latest game from Gameloft that brings the gods and heroes of Roman and Greek mythology crashing together in a fighting game – all with a simple combat system designed for mobile. It’s not original, borrowing heavily from titles like Marvel: Contest of Champions, but it's a fun and graphically stunning game.
Pantheon of gods and mythology
The story of Gods of Rome takes us to meet the son of Hades, Tenebrous, who has decided to take over the world using gods and heroes whose souls he now controls. Only a hero will be able to face Tenebrous and end this curse.
It a simple story to set up a fighting game! But it’s a good excuse to allow Roman and Greek gods to do battle. Thus we can have Mercury punching Hermes, or Achilles head-butting Spartacus.
The setting also allows for a huge roster… although I don’t think anyone will really be cuing up to play as Bacchus.
Fighting for mobile
Gods of Rome is a fighting game like Street Fighter, but adapted to mobile. The system is identical to Marvel: Contest of Champions. You can move forwards and backwards and use four moves - weak, middle, and strong attack, plus block. With these moves you can create some stunning combos – though don’t expect endless complexity as the lack of any kind of jump is limiting.
If you accumulate enough energy you can activate a special with an on screen gesture, allowing you to brutalize your foe for huge damage.
Gods of Rome also has a development system to improve the huge number of characters at your disposal. It is here that the free-to-play aspects become obvious. While you do not need to pay, purchase you do make greatly improve the quality of your roster of heroes and the speed you can upgrade them.
Gods of Rome looks superb. The gods and heroes are brilliantly represented, and the visual effects will take full advantage of whatever device you own. One area where it clearly exceeds the Marvel game is in its environments, which are less monotonous and offer a distinct feel for each mythology.
Gods of Rome is fun, simple, and spectacular
Gods of Rome does not try to mislead you: it is a simple mobile fighting game with amazing graphics. It is also a whole lot of fun, and perfectly suited to the mobile platform. Plus - providing you can resist the temptation in-app purchases - you can enjoy this great game, with constant updates, for completely free.