Hex Installer icon


30 HEX_EOL by SatySatsZB envy_

Mar 18, 2024

About Hex Installer

Playing with modern colors

For Samsung users who have been complaining about the lack of customization options for their devices, Hex Installer is here to grant you complete freedom to change and tweak the UI. From fonts and colors to various apps, the tool allows you to play with your settings and adjust it according to your liking. Hex Installer grants a better and more enjoyable experience for its users.

Your phone, your style

Samsung devices do come with a built-in theme store where users can select the skin they want, but the problem is that the options are too limited. Hex Installer is here to provide more freedom for its users. It is not to be mistaken as a theme store or inventory but rather, it is a tool that can be used to customize the theme itself—by changing certain elements, as well as allowing users to mix and match them. 

Hex Installer mainly utilizes Samsung’s built-in high contrast theme, which is known for giving its devices pitch-black skins. From there, users can change the primary and accent colors, as well as their icon and text colors. As for other customization options, Hex Installer can also let you adjust background transparency, background wallpaper, navigation bar height, text font, and mobile apps on display. 

With many of the theme’s elements made customizable, you might be worried that the process itself is difficult. You can rest easy because changing the color and adjusting the other settings only takes a few taps on your screen and a slide of your finger. Hex Installer provides you with options that you can just tick with a checkmark. It also comes with its own unique wallpaper designs that can complement the look that you are trying to make. 

Personalizing at its best

Instead of giving you ready-made themes, Hex Installer instead provides you ways to design your own one. It might be a little confusing at first with how many theme elements it can customize, but after a bit of patience, you can fully enjoy your own personalized theme that reflects who you really are. 

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Android 13.0






SatySatsZB envy_

Version Name Version Size APK Download
26.1 HEX2XEH 43.27 MB Download
7-plus-beta 46.73 MB Download

Hex Installer Screenshots