Access Hotmail directly from your phone
This program can no longer be downloaded. Take a look at instead.
As a user of Hotmail since 1998, I have experienced the many changes in the service. Now Microsoft has released a standalone Android email client.
The function of the application is very straightforward. Access your email, compose messages, and be notified when new mail appears. That is the front end of the Hotmail app.
Hotmail and its back-end have a lot more options than I expected. On default settings, Hotmail is a very streamlined interface and user experience. The default option for amount of messages is seven days and maxed at thirty.
Hotmail defaults to only the inbox and does not natively aggregate different folders on the account. Users are required to choose folders to sync with the device. Hotmail includes many of the typical email options and settings like signatures and attachment size as well.
The app is simple and that is the greatest strength. It works quickly as an email client and does not include unnecessary flourishes.
For users who still use Hotmail regularly, the standalone application does win over the stock mail app.