A free app for Android, by The Rack.
Huawei Health APK is an app designed to help users track and maintain their health and fitness. It will allow you to monitor and record your heart rate, body temperature, body weight, and more. The app can also track your sleep, exercise, and many more things.
The Health APK app is very easy to use, allowing users to quickly and conveniently monitor and record their health and fitness data.
The user interface is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, making it easy for users to stay on top of their health and fitness goals. Additionally, the app is compatible with a number of wearable devices, including the Watch and Band series. These devices can be used to track activity, sleep, and heart rate.
The app is designed to be useful for individuals who are looking to improve their cardiovascular fitness or monitor their heart health. It can also be useful for those who are just looking to stay healthy and maintain their fitness.