A full version app for Android, by Keplerians Horror Games.
In this version of the game, you can play as one of the characters from the series: Lis or Mike.
The objective of the game is to find the Mini-Rods, the evil machines that want to capture the souls of the Ice Scream friends.
To escape from the factory, you have to solve the puzzles, find the keys, and open the gates.
To escape from the Mini-Rods, you have to use the power of the Ice Scream friends.
The Mini-Rods can be stopped by the players, and there is a mini-game in which the players have to kill the monsters.
There are different ways in which the monsters can be killed: by using a weapon, a tool, or a special ability.
Some of the monsters have a strong resistance to the players and will only be killed if they use a special ability.