About KiKA-Quiz

A free app for Android, by KiKA Der Kinderkanal von ARD und ZDF.

It is a free app for children aged between 6 and 12 years. They can choose between four different topics: Nature & Environment, Leisure & Culture, Technology & Science, and finally, the subjects of their elementary school.

The topics are presented in a simple, intuitive manner, so that children can quickly decide which topic they want to learn about.

The app is divided into several sections, and they can switch between the topics.

The first section is called the Quiz Camp. It is the place where children can test their knowledge and earn points.

The second section is called the App Live Show. It is the place where children can watch the live stream of the app and can send questions directly to the moderators.

The third section is called the KiKA Quiz. It is the place where children can take the test and learn about the topics.

The fourth section is called the Discussion. It is the place where children can talk to the other participants and exchange opinions.

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Android 13.0






KIKA Der Kinderkanal von ARD und ZDF

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