MyNBA2K21 icon

8 by 2K INC.

Jul 12, 2023

About MyNBA2K21

The official companion app to NBA 2k21

MyNBA2K21 is a free sports mobile app that allows you to access additional cool features for the sports video game, NBA 2K21. Developed by 2K, Inc., this mobile utility app is the official companion app of the game and integrates with it to deliver extra content to players.

Like MyNBA2K20 and the previous companion apps for the previous NBA games, MyNBA2K21 lets you easily check out news and updates about the game. You can also connect to your game account and place your likeness inside the game. However, unlike its predecessors, this one fails in performance and stability.

What is my NBA 2K21?

NBA 2K21 is a basketball game simulation video game developed by Visual Concepts and published by 2K Sports. It is the 22nd installment in the NBA 2K franchise—a popular sports video game series based on the real-life National Basketball Association (NBA)—and the successor to NBA 2K20. While it doesn’t have a lot of major changes compared to the previous game, it still brings back the companion app with its release.

With MyNBA2K21, you’re able to log in to your NBA 2K21 account and see any updates regarding the game, such as important event news and daily opportunities to earn Virtual Currency. Its biggest new feature is the face scan system, which allows you to scan your likeness and have it transferred onto the game for a more immersive and personalized experience. 

However, compared to past NBA 2k companion apps, this iteration pales in almost every aspect. For one, most of the features from the previous app are no longer available here—most especially the beloved card game that allowed you to collect character cards. Additionally, the face scanner feature hardly ever works. The app is also unstable most of the time and is prone to crashing.

Requires a major overhaul

All in all, while MyNBA2K21 is the official companion app for NBA 2K21, you’re better off just playing the game without it. Not only had the previous fan-favorite features been removed from it, but its own new features hardly function properly from the beginning. For daily schedules of events, it’s much better to simply check the game’s official website for news.

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