Time to shot some pizza!
Octopie - A Game Shakers Game is a truly bizarre and extremely fun free mobile game. Octopie is the same game featured on Nickelodeon’s new show Game Shakers and of course it has all of Nickelodeon’s signature quirkiness and cartoon comedy. In this surreal caper, you play an octopus delivery boy, trying to deliver pizzas by slingshot to a variety of crazy characters.
Are you ready to hurl some Pizza pie?
Don’t let the randomness of the setting fool you, however, as this is a solid game with well thought out mechanics and some surprising twists.
Yes, Octopie - A Game Shakers Game really is as simple as that- your objective is to slingshot pizza into the windows of an apartment building, where your customers are waiting. In that regard, it’s a kind of finger-controlled shooter, almost a first-person version of Angry Birds. You’ll be delivering pizzas to a bear, a rock star, sumo wrestler and more, all drawn in a fun, eye-popping cartoon style. The more pizzas you deliver, the more you get paid. It’s harder than you might think to avoid splatting the sides of the building with pizza! Those with a zany sense of humour will get plenty of chuckles out of the silly gameplay and the animations of the characters, though it is largely aimed at kids. Progression in the game comes in the form of starting on small buildings uptown and moving up to the busy skyscrapers of the financial district!
Pizza meets physics play
The central gameplay of Octopie - A Game Shakers Game is easy to learn and difficult to master, needing a surprising amount of skill later on, creating a good progression arc for casual gamers. The game starts simple, making you figure out how to fling pizzas with the right trajectory to get into windows, then adds various obstacles. These hazards game significantly trickier, intercepting your pizzas mid-flight! These are as wacky as everything else in the game, including a lobster on a high wire, a Weiner dog with a jetpack, laser sharks and more! A few more variables appear in the form of wearables for your octopus, like fun costume hats which grant small bonuses. Graphically, expect bright colours and crazy animations in this game, which is built around a 3D main character in the foreground (the aforementioned octopus!) and a mostly 2D background, the apartment building you’re delivering to. Though simple, the graphics are adequate and the animations are wild, adding to the fast-paced feel. The audio is equally quirky and upbeat, though some might find it grating!
Something different at last
The great thing about Octopie - A Game Shakers Game is that it’s not just zany and weird for the sake of it. That uniqueness also benefits gameplay, because underneath it all lies that most rare of things, a mobile game which feels different. With so many clones out there, Octopie manages to just tweak the formula enough to be new and engaging. Being free to play, it’s certainly worth giving Octopie a try, but you will be craving pizza afterwards!