Stream from a variety of different shows and films
Paramount Network is a streaming app that allows you to watch full episodes from a range of different series, all through your chosen device. A range of features are included with the app to make your viewing both more convenient and more immersive.
The app works in a similar manner to popular steaming services such as Netflix and and Disney +, but has its own set of shows. A variety of programming including comedy, drama, action and documentary will be yours to watch.
Series, films and behind-the-scenes
Paramount Network streams a wide variety of series and movies. Yellowstone, Bar Rescue, Ink Master, Wife Swap, The Last Cowboy, Beilator MMA, and more are available to the service's users. In addition to the main shows, you will be able to access behind-the-scenes clips for many different programs.
A different service to Paramount +
Paramount Network should not be confused with Paramount +. These are two different services with access to different programs. This app should not be thought of as an also-ran, however, as it has a variety of features, including the ability to stream live TV
Comes with commercial breaks
Paramount Network makes heavy use of adverts, so if you intend to use it, you will need to be prepared for regular commercial breaks. The app also has a tendency to run slowly, even with fast connections. You may be in for a wait before seeing your favorite show.
A streaming app that will cater to all tastes
So long as you understand the difference between this app and Paramount +, and are prepared for commercial breaks and the occasional lag, Paramount Network is a streaming service with plenty to offer. The range of different genres represented by its programming is broad indeed and will cater to the tastes of all viewers.