A free program for Android, by イマジニア株式会社.
If you're looking for a quick and easy way to learn English, you've found the right app!
The purpose of this app is to help you master the most important parts of the English language. To do that, we have created a series of tests that you can take to improve your English.
Each test consists of a set of questions, and the level of the questions is indicated by the number of letters that you need to answer.
To pass a test, you need to answer the questions in the right order, and each answer needs to be correct. If you get the right answer, you will receive a score, and if you get the wrong answer, you will not receive any score.
Each test has a unique set of questions, and each set of questions is created to test a specific aspect of the English language.
If you get a score that is higher than the score that you received on the last test, you can consider yourself to have improved your English.