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Feb 2, 2024

About Pokeland Legends

Free Pokémon RPG

Pokeland Legends is a role-playing game developed by Hongkong Yolo Technology. Free-to-play, it lets players experience what it’s like to be a Pokémon trainer. The game is spun off from Pokémon. The gameplay and characters are lifted from the popular franchise. 

Pokeland Legends will also remind players of yet another Pokémon game called Pokémon Unite. Both games will have you collect Pokémon through your adventures and evolve them by fighting. However, the latter is a team-based MOBA, while this game is mostly played solo. Additionally, while it comes with PvP events, its main campaign will have you complete missions.

How do you play the game?

Pokeland Legends follows the classic plot of the anime franchise. Like Ash, you will play as a fledgling trainer and grow your team by collecting Pokémon and evolving them. At launch, you can choose your player, who, no surprise, looks like Ash. There is no character customization aside from changing the name so all players will have the same look. Once done, you can start by getting your first Pokémon. 

As with the anime series, your Pokémon will start at the lowest level, and you can only evolve them by getting experience points. Of course, you can do so by fighting other Pokémon. Combat controls are easy as tapping the buttons on the right side of your screen. The battle ends when the opponent is down. As mentioned, the game comes with various missions that you need to complete. 

More than missions, it lets you participate in events. You can also prove your skills as a trainer at various PvP stages, where you can battle other players. Moreover, it boasts various maps that you can explore to gather the best guild. Although, over the course, you will find that the game is not made by native English speakers as it comes riddled with typo and grammar errors. 

Is the game good?

If you are a fan of the Pokémon franchise, then Pokeland Legends will be right up your alley. The game is derived from the original plot of the series. Even the pocket monsters are taken from the series.  However, as with other fan-made Pokémon games, this is, in no way, affiliated to the brains behind the popular series. This is why it is not available in mainstream app stores.

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Android 13.0





Version Name Version Size APK Download
6.2.0 41.59 MB Download
5.7.0 41.59 MB Download
1.0.2 44.04 MB Download

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