Remote play utility for PlayStation consoles
PSPlay: Remote Play is a premium game utility application developed by Stream Game Dev. It is a PlayStation companion app that lets users control their PS consoles using their smartphones or tablets. It can also serve as a highly customizable virtual controller to use while playing actual games.
Compared to the official PlayStation App, PSPlay: Remote Play offers just as many extra features to enhance the experience of using PS consoles. It also serves as a good alternative game controller for players if their DualSense devices are malfunctioning or they just prefer digital inputs for gaming.
More control and features
The Sony PlayStation 5 is leaps and bounds more powerful than the PlayStation 4 and comes with new controllers in the form of the DualSense. They have better ergonomics and analog triggers for more precise control. However, if you want an alternative to save it from too much wear-and-tear or like virtual controls for some reason, then the PSPlay: Remote Play app is for you.
This app is compatible with both aforementioned consoles. The default control layout tries to mimic the iconic symmetrical look of the DualShock and DualSense controllers as best it can. You do have the option to move and resize them and remap their buttons to suit you better, though. You can even create PS profiles on a per-game basis if you want.
Other notable features include Picture-in-Picture mode, Multi-Window support, and the option to record/capture your screen with a third-party app. Now, as is usually the case with these types of game-streaming apps, a fast and stable internet connection is a must. Otherwise, you will be experiencing constant lag and slowdowns while playing just like what has happened and reported by other users.
Robust and capable
All in all, PSPlay: Remote Play is a solid alternative to the official PS Remote Play from Sony, which offers more features and better reliability. That doesn't mean it's not with its faults, but most of them can be addressed by making sure your connection is fast and stable enough. This one gets a recommendation and is worth checking out.