Free-to-download sensitivity tool
REAL SENSI Booster FF is a free utility app from Pernilla. Designed for Garena Free Fire and many other tactical first-person shooters, the tool offers sensitivity settings and a whole host of performance boosters to give you a smooth and lag-free gameplay experience. With this user-friendly app, you can carry out more accurate headshots and kill more targets in one tap as fast as you can.
While alternatives like AV INFOTECH’s SENSI BOOSTER - FF and Apps Pros’ Pro Sensitivity cater to a global audience, REAL SENSI Booster FF targets Portugal servers and players whose native tongue is Portuguese.
Be a Free Fire pro
Although it also works with other first-person shooter games, REAL SENSI Booster FF was originally designed for Garena Free Fire, where it can be used to maximum effect. As soon as you open this app, you can verify the Free Fire version and your mobile phone model. You can also tick on the sensitivity switch and set screen sensitivity values. Adjusting the slider changes the game response to your swipes.
Other than the sensitivity adjustment, the app also comes with a host of easy-to-activate features. Enable Quick Start for faster game initiation, or use the Reduce Lag and Battery Saver features. It also has an accessible Clear Memory capability, which clears your device cache and frees up memory to prevent it from slowing down. Aside from device optimization features, you can even use it to check the best network available.
However, the app has a few restrictions that make other players turn away from it. One is that the user interface is only available in Portuguese, with no support for other language localizations. Despite the features being accompanied by icons, it can still take some time for speakers of a different language to get used to. Also, some features only work for Garena Free Fire.
Working, but with minor restrictions
If you’re looking for a quick fix to your gameplay problems—bloated device memory, quick energy drain, poor internet connection, or general lags—REAL SENSI Booster FF is a good app to check out. Most of its features are simplified for greater accessibility and faster deployment. Even with the UI being available only in Portuguese, the layout is intuitive and icons can help users navigate this tool in no time.