Salvation Army Song Book: A Comprehensive Song Book App for Worship Sessions
Salvation Army Song Book is a free Android application developed by Wafutech under the Education & Reference category. It is an offline app with no internet connection required and is structured similarly to the Nyimbo Za Jeshi La Wokovu printed book of Kenya West and Kenya East Territories. The app has fixed typos and missing stanzas from the first version. It also introduced a dark theme, which can be switched with light mode, making it comfortable for users to read on bright screens. The app allows users to add their favorite songs and choruses to a list that can be accessed anytime. Additionally, the app includes a brief history of the Salvation Army under the TSA tab on bottom navigation. The app aims to add value to Salvationists' worship sessions and contribute to the core mission of the Salvation Army World Wide, which is to win the world to Christ.