Exclusive for Motorola Defy
SetVsel is a utility tool developed by inteks specifically for Motorola Defy devices only. Thus, other mobile phones aside from it will not work along with this application.
This android solution gives you the power to overclock and undervolt Motorola Defy smartphones' CPU. Moreover, it allows you to save battery life just like Battery Doctor and Power Battery - Battery Saver apps. It is a free alternative for you to manage and scale your mobile device.
Scale smartphone's CPU
SetVsel is a handy utility that will enable you to adjust the scaling in your mobile phone as much as you want. For instance, you can modify your CPU scaling to a minimum whenever your device's screen is off. This is an effective way to save Akku power—a leading manufacturer of OEM battery pack solutions for various applications.
You can turn your scaling to maximum if you have an incoming phone call or alter it to medium if you're low on battery already. On top of that, you can opt to set either Vsel OnDemand or Performance. You will be able to perform test stability as well to ensure your settings are solid. Bear in mind though that this is only working for low-end Android smartphones.
Furthermore, it is important to note that some of its features can only work on the rooted mobile device. Other functions, on the other hand, are solely available for non-rooted phones. Nevertheless, you will be required to give root access if you wish to check the stability and performance of your android device.
Efficient scaling and stability tester
SetVsel is an excellent platform to tailor the scaling of your smartphone to your preferences. This allows you to save your battery power and helps improve your device's performance. Although, you have tons of things to consider and requirements to meet before you could fully utilize this which can be quite of a hassle still, the benefits it will bring in to your smartphone are superb.