SumRando VPN icon

10 by Sumrando Pty Ltd

Jun 5, 2023

About SumRando VPN

SumRando VPN

SumRando VPN is, as the name implies, a virtual private network (VPN) service that anonymises your internet use. To outsiders trying to snoop on your connection, you'll appear to be just an unremarkable, anonymous user -- 'some rando' in internet parlance. This service has a range of different plans, including a free version that is genuinely completely anonymous, with no registration required.

A simple VPN service

If you've used another VPN service, most of SumRando VPN will seem pretty familiar to you: log in, choose a location to surf the web from, and go. If you're on a plan with limited data, the client will display a tracker telling you how much data you have left for the month. The top of your screen will display a simple banner in the form of a coloured bar. If the bar is green, you're browsing safely; if it turns yellow and black, your VPN isn't working and you're not protected. The interface is simple, even minimal, so don't expect a lot of customisation options.

A good client for light users

If you need high-speed downloads or browsing on your VPN, or need to tinker with its settings, SumRando VPN probably isn't for you. However, anonymous registration and a simple interface make this VPN service is a good choice for infrequent VPN users.

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Android 13.0




Sumrando Pty Ltd

Version Name Version Size APK Download
4.0 8.60 MB Download

SumRando VPN Screenshots