A mobile navigation app from TomTom
TomTom AmiGo is a free mobile travel & navigation application that was developed by TomTom International BV. This maps & GPS tool boasts an ad-free map navigation experience that was made specifically for drivers by drivers. Decide on a destination, set it on the app, and see all the information you need.
TomTom AmiGO has similar features to other popular navigation services, such as MAPS.ME and Waze. With it, you get real-time traffic updates, speed camera alerts, and various road advisories on top of providing you with the fastest route possible to get you where you need to be.
What is TomTom AmiGO?
TomTom is a multinational company that develops and creates location-based technologies and consumer electronics. It is best known for its popular line TomTom GO satellite navigation products and their accompanying mobile apps. As more auto manufacturers push for Android Auto integration, TomTom AmiGO is an app-based navigation service that works with mobile, as well as cars that run Google's automotive platform.
The navigation app features a clean and simple user interface that is easy to use. It provides real-time alerts, including traffic updates, speed camera locations, average speed check zones, as well as any blocked or closed roads along your planned route. Unique to users from France, the app will also provide advisories on Danger Zones and Risk Zones in their area.
There are a few things to consider if you plan on using TomTom AmiGO, though. For one, while it does have an auto start/stop via Bluetooth connection feature, it's quite hit-or-miss. Another is that alerts about speed cameras and speed check zones don't always trigger and end up not arriving despite having already passed these areas.
A promising navigation app
At the end of the day, TomTom AmiGO is a good navigation application and is a solid alternative to the likes of Google Maps and Waze, with it being free (and ad-free) as a bonus. It's a promising service that can shine once its major shortcomings get addressed and fixed by TomTom. Give this one a try.