Triangulation: A GPS App for Easy Target Location
Triangulation is an Android travel and navigation app developed by Elektrix that helps locate a target's position by specifying its distance from 2-3 locations. The app is designed to make target location easy, using a simple and intuitive interface.
To use the app, you simply place markers on a map and specify their distance from the target. The app then displays a marked circle on the map for each point. Once you have marked additional points, the target location is where the circles intersect. This functionality makes it easy to find a target's location even if you only have limited information about its position.
The app is free to use and offers a simple and efficient solution for locating targets. Its intuitive interface and ease of use make it a great tool for anyone in need of GPS assistance. Whether you're a traveler or an adventurer, Triangulation can help you find your way.