Ideal bus navigator for exploring Yangon city
Yangon City Bus (YBS) is a free travel and navigation application developed by NAINGDroid, making it an ideal travel companion for exploring Yangon City. Its purpose is to offer comprehensive information essential for traversing the vast bus network within the city.
Streamlined Yangon city navigation with real-time updates
Yangon City Bus (YBS) simplifies city navigation by enabling you to effortlessly locate your destination, plan your route, and access up-to-the-minute bus updates. It is a comprehensive app for Yangon Bus Service, delivering details on bus routes, stops, and other pertinent information about its bus services.
Moreover, this application offers accessibility to a wide audience by providing language options in both English and Myanmar. However, it's worth noting that while the app can be accessed in English, its functionality is exclusively limited to use within Myanmar, specifically in Yangon City.
Excellent companion app for navigating Yangon City
Yangon City Bus (YBS) is designed to assist travelers in Yangon City. It provides comprehensive information on the city's bus network, simplifying navigation with real-time updates. The app accommodates both English and Myanmar languages but is functional only within Yangon, Myanmar.