Unlock the Web with a Free Adblocking Service
Adblock Plus is the world's most popular adblocking service. By eliminating all kinds of ads from pop-ups to YouTube video messages Adblock Plus helps streamline your internet browsing. With more and more content being hidden behind advertisements videos and messages over 100 million internet users have started to depend daily on Adblock Plus for Internet Explorer.
Choose your Ads
While it can be tempting to simply remove all advertisements this practice can reduce sorely needed revenue for content creators. Adblock Plus for Internet Explorer allows users the freedom to decide which websites they wish to support by offering a white-list service. This gives permission for certain ads to display while blocking others. Additional features include a tracking service to see exactly what a website is doing under the shell and limits on what personal data can be accessed.
A New Browsing Experience
Once you've surfed Facebook or YouTube without annoying ads it can be difficult to imagine ever going back to unskippable videos and pop-ups. Adblock Plus for Internet Explorer gives the power back to the customer offering a more streamlined day to day internet experience. One of the first add-ons which everybody should install.