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About Age of Empires III

Free Classic Game for Empire Builders

Age of Empires III is the third instalment of the popular simulation series of games where players are tasked with building their own empire. This version comes with very detailed graphics and storylines and includes a focus on strategy.

Build Your Empire Step by Step

Gamers are given a choice of three different civilizations to develop namely the Aztecs Sioux or Iroquois. Each of these ethnic tribes its own own distinctive culture and aspects complete with different buildings and skills for gamers to utilise. Players are also awarded special bonuses and tasks that help to make the game more diverse and engaging and there are rich storylines that help to draw gamers into the action and inspire them to strive to complete each of the various stages. However any real empire it takes plenty of time and patience to truly master Age of Empires III and for those who have never played the first two games in the series it can appear to be rather slow at first.

Are You Ready to go the Distance?

Like many games of this type it takes time for players to learn the nuances of Age of Empires III and make their mark. However this version of the game is engaging and exciting enough to draw players into it and help make the hours speed by.

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Windows XP







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