About Crosshair V2

Free crosshair overlay app

Crosshair V2 is a game utility application from Centerpoint Gaming. As the name suggests, this free app is a crosshair overlay that players can use to improve their aim when playing games. It comes with a decent selection of presets and can be set to a number of different settings.

Crosshair V2 is built to work in games with anti-cheat engines, such as EAC or VAC. However, the crosshair will not show up when you play in full-screen. You will need to change the setting to borderless or windowed fullscreen modes to see the crosshair on your game. 

What is Crosshair V2?

Crosshairs are a vital part of any shooter game as having such will improve your aim to eliminate your opponents. To date, many first-person shooters come with it. However, not many offer customizable ones. Luckily, there are many crosshair overlays that you can use for your game. One of these apps is Crosshair V2. As mentioned, it is a crosshair overlay that works on almost any Windows 10 game.

The app comes with a simple interface for easier usage. Once downloaded and launched, you can immediately see the crosshair on your screen. On the left side of the screen are the settings options. Here, you can configure the crosshair by changing between three different sizes, six shapes, and seven neon colors. Although, when you compare this to the paid Crosshair X, these configurations are minimal.

As noted, this program only works on borderless or windowed full-screen mode and not on full-screen. With this, make sure that you adjust the display setting of your game accordingly to see the crosshair and the overlay on your screen. However, doing so will cause the game's FPS to drop. Don't worry, though as the FPS loss will not be too noticeable.

Is the app good?

Overall, Crosshair V2 is a gamer's best friend. The app offers a simple yet customizable crosshair overlay that you can use to improve your aim as you play. The app works as advertised, automatically appearing on your screen after launch. Although, it does not work in full-screen mode, which can be a bummer as switching to borderless or windowed fullscreen modes can cause FPS loss.

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Windows 10






‪CenterPoint Gaming‬

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