Sleep safely in the bedroom
GO TO BED is a free horror title about heading to sleep in a house. Created by JoeTheItchPro, the objective of the game is to complete each of the situations by keeping yourself safe in the bedroom. Otherwise, an entity will come into the room and kill you.
Mind your actions
In real life, people practice nighttime lock-up routines to protect themselves from break-ins. It’s the same with GO TO BED. Here, the player has to close the windows, lock the doors, enable the security system, and the like. If successful, you will proceed to the next situation.
Once you reach the third situation — the game’s last level — you have to sneak out of the house without getting caught. Whether your escape is a success or not depends on a certain action you performed in a previous situation. One drawback of this title, though, is its small text prompts.
Wait for the twist
At first, GO TO BED may look like a game about engaging in lock-up routines. However, once you reach the endgame, it takes on a different turn as players need to escape the house and from the entity itself. Despite the small font size, this title is still worth a spin.