About MQTTBox

How to Use MQTTBox to Monitor Your MQTT Server

MQTTBox is a developer tool that makes monitoring your MQTT Server a breeze. You can subscribe to and publish topics using MQTTBox, as well as create a virtual MQTT appliance for testing and debugging. The best part is that you can use the same server for multiple purposes, so you can get the most out of your development workflow. Read on to learn more about MQTTBox and how to use it for your next project.

The MQTTBox client is free, open source, and easy to use. It connects to MQTT brokers to send messages to your application. You can configure it with a wide range of settings, including username and password verification. With it, you can subscribe to several topics at once, copy message payloads with a single click, and check published message history. You can add multiple MQTT clients with the wildcard symbol %.

After you've installed MQTTBox, it's time to connect your application. Start by navigating to the MindConnect IoT Extension on the MindSphere Launchpad. Choose "All devices" and then "Devices". Then, click the link for the device that you want to connect to. Once the app launches, it'll display the details of the device, including the External ID. If you're a developer, you'll need to enter this ID to make the connection.

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Windows 8.1





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