An action-packed gaming adventure
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 is quite different from the usual fighting games. With chaotic battles all over the place, it’s an action-packed adventure for hardcore fans of the anime series. The game focuses on epic fights, which look amazing with excellent graphics. Moreover, the battle sequences keep changing rapidly and provide you with lots of fun without feeling repetitive.
As the name suggests, Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 is based on the popular anime series. From battle sequences to gameplay, everything feels ‘ultimate’ and takes you on a power-packed ride into the world of Naruto Shippuden. It’s similar to Naruto Mugen and Naruto The Way of The Ninja.
Is Naruto Shippuden a good game?
Since this is the fourth title in the series, experienced players will be familiar with the easy setup of the game. It’s worth mentioning that this installment removes a few features and focuses on improvements in gameplay and graphics. For instance, wall running allows you to switch from fighting in the battle arena to fighting along the walls. Plenty of such moves have been added to make the gameplay more interesting.
This change in gameplay and controls leads to chaotic, high-energy battle scenes. Once you start playing the game, expect everything to be fast-paced and adrenaline-pumping. The storyline picks up from the third installment in the series. As such, beginners could find everything overwhelming in the first few attempts. For people who don’t follow the Naruto Shippuden anime series, the game would look like a flashy blur of lights.
Is Naruto Shippuden difficult to play?
Compared to NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full Burst, Ultimate Shippuden: Ninja Impact Storm, and NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM Revolution, this installment lets you switch between multiple characters during the battle. It leads to some amazing combos. Without a doubt, this game has been designed for experienced players. With impressive graphics and detailed villains, you’ll find the visual appeal of the game exciting and unparalleled.
While the game uses cartoonish yet bold art, it’s been admired for the same around the world. The game music and background score are as chaotic as the battles and graphics. There are several voiceovers from Naruto and other characters. Even the subplots are engaging and keep you interested in the game for extended hours. All of these elements contribute to an overall immersive and dynamic gaming experience.
Does Naruto Shippuden have a multiplayer mode?
Furthermore, the game provides you with lots of single-player battles. As such, you spend hours exploring the story and adventurous combat sequences. However, it feels special to go online and play the multiplayer mode. It allows you to choose from multiple character combinations. The developers have designed a solid network architecture, which offers easy matches and achievements to players around the world.
When you download Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4, you can customize your favorite fighters and ninja info cars using the collectibles earned in both offline and online modes. While the game is excellent, the ‘Story’ mode is the most interesting element in the series. It keeps long-time fans of Naruto Shippuden engaged. Although, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that the game could have been more accessible to non-Naruto fans.
An anime-style action game
The latest installment in the popular Naruto Shippuden series takes you on a breathtaking and colorful ride. In this version, you can take advantage of a revamped battle system while engaging in combat. The battle sequences look action-packed and give tough competition to other titles like Street Fighter 2 and Mortal Kombat X. If you’re a fan of the anime series, you’ll find the game engaging and interesting on all accounts.