About Quick Share

Free file-sharing application for wireless devices

Quick Share is a device-to-device file-sharing application that allows users to send content quickly between similar operating systems. It is completely free to download, and little existing memory will be required.

Created by the same developers at Microsoft responsible for other popular apps, including the well-received Microsoft Edge browser, this program is regularly updated and easy to use. It is meant to be used solely in conjunction with Samsung Galaxy devices.

One-click sharing capabilities

Quick Share takes the guesswork out of sending files to multiple recipients. Users will simply click on the intended individuals and then select from a drop-down list of available files. Thereafter, the information is sent with the click of a button.

Customizable settings

It is possible to adjust the settings of Quick Share in order to accommodate personal tastes. A dark mode is available, and users may also select an option to sync the background with their existing desktop layout.

Streamlined updates

Similar to other file-sharing bundles, Quick Share will need to be updated on occasion in order to perform at optimal levels. The good news is that many of these updates are already included with normal Windows patches. Therefore, no additional end-user steps are required.

For professional or personal use

In the event that bulk file-sharing services are not required, Quick Share can be used as a replacement for other file-sharing programs, such as BitTorrent. As this bundle has been created by the team at Microsoft, there are a few issues in terms of security, reliability, or transparency.

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Windows 11






Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.

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