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8 by Saavn

About Saavn music-radio & Radio

An Indian alternative to Spotify

It’s always great to see international programs be localized into programs that cater more to a specific country or demographic. These international apps are great, but there’s still a lot of content out there to experience that they just can’t reach because their capabilities are so limited. This is certainly the case for Spotify, probably the largest music playing app in the market today. However, it doesn’t have enough power to play every music from every country in the world. For people in India, however, there is a great alternative that could fulfill their need to listen to local Indian music. That alternative program is Saavn Music and Radio by Saavn.

Installation Process and Interface

Before we get to the features of the program, let’s talk about its installation process and interface. The installation process is really fast. The only thing that might take you a while is your own download speed. If you’re working with high-speed Internet, it will only take a few seconds to finish. It will install on its own once downloaded and you’ll be able to use it at once.

The interface is very sleek and clean. I mentioned before that this is kind of an alternative to Spotify. In contrast to Spotify’s black look, Saavn Music and Radio is predominantly white. Both apps have green accents and it’s just as good for Saavn as it is for Spotify. Saavn has all of the pertinent actions and functions at the left-hand side of the screen.

Multi-language Music

This program’s greatest asset is its multi-language selection of available music. India is a massive country, and the people, languages, and cultures that inhabit it are incredibly diverse. This diversity is reflected in the several Indian languages that the program offers. You can choose from Hindi, Punjabi, Telugu, Tamil, and more. As a matter of fact, there are fourteen available languages in the program. 

You can also choose to listen by categorization. For example, you can choose to listen to party, wedding, or romance songs. These will include songs of that category from all the languages that you have selected in your settings.

Comparison to Spotify

Spotify has the bigger scope, there’s no doubt about that. However, if localization is the point then Saavn succeeds fantastically. One big thing that Spotify does better than Saavn is that adding songs to queues and playlists is actually easier. On a smaller note, not having the song credits available like Spotify is a missed opportunity but not necessarily a deal breaker.

The Program for Indian Music Lovers

Ultimately, even in comparison to Spotify, Saavn Music and Radio is a pretty good software. It may not have the scope and convenience of Spotify, but for the need that it’s trying to fulfill, it’s actually a really good software. If you’re from India, there’s no reason not to give this program a shot. It’s always a good idea to support local artists, and Saavn Music and Radio provides an avenue for that. That’s just one of many reasons to try it out.

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