The Steam Alternative
Tencent's relatively modest WeGame gaming platform is a store and personal library for PC gaming, allowing consumers to buy and play their games through the app.
Growing Pains
Like rival, Steam, WeGame acts as a portal through which a user can search the available catalogue of games. Purchased games are added to the user's library and can be launched from within the app. This allows gamers to keep all their titles in a single place for ease of access, and the digital download nature of purchased games frees up shelf space in the real world. Games can be downloaded multiple times, so you don't need to worry about an unfortunate computer meltdown destroying your digital collection. The platform has a number of independent developer titles on offer, but also some big budget titles, and the list of available games is always growing as more deals are made.
As with any fledgling entry into an established market, WeGame has some way to go before it really challenges the leader in this space—Valve's Steam—in terms of available game catalogue and user base. But the platform is solid and the library of games is interesting and always growing. WeGame is a worthy competitor in the digital gaming.