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Server v1.5 by

About ThinRDP Server

Remotely access your desktop via a web browser

ThinRDP enables you to access your desktop from anywhere via a simple web browser, and manage your programs and documents as if you were sitting in front of your computer.

Using ThinRDP is very easy. The host computer – the one you want to access remotely – requires the ThinRDP software, but the clients don’t need anything to be installed, not even Flash, Java, or Silverlight. A web browser will be enough, as long as it supports HTML5.

All you need is to leave ThinRDP running in the remote computer, and optionally set a username and password for more security. The system will be accessible through a web browser just by entering the remote computer’s IP address (note that you have to use port 8443). All your programs, files and documents will be there.

ThinRDP can be especially useful to provide remote customer support, or help a friend with computer problems in a quick, simple way.

ThinRDP makes remote desktop access easy for everyone.

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Trial version


Windows 2000







Version Name Version Size APK Download
ThinRDP Server v1.5 15.03 MB Download
2 20.84 MB Download 15.35 MB Download

ThinRDP Server Screenshots