About Torenkey

Emule clone for downloading torrents

Emule remains one of the most popular downloads in the world due to it's ease of use and the ability to share your files with millions of users worldwide.

However, it's not so good when it comes to handling torrents which is why TorenKey is an interesting innovation. To look at it, you'd think it was exactly the same as eMule which is no surprise - it's been made by the same developers and it even connects to the same eD2K network. Where it differs however is in it's ability to handle torrents with ease for high speed downloading. While giving you access to the ed2k network, it also harnesses the power of BitTorrent to provide a truly impressive torrent client so really it is two programs in one. In feel, use and look, it differs little from eMule and it even includes it's own IRC client. What does differ is the search system. TorenKey's search utility is linked to Mininova which means that you get a huge number of results back when you search for a certain torrent. However, it does seem that many of these are fakes and TorenKey provides no method for screening-out these files. In addition, you can't preview downloading torrents so there's no way of checking whether it's real or not that way either.

With support for RSS so you can keep track of the latest torrents and harnessing the look and feel of eMule, TorenKey has the potential to be a really successful torrent client.

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Windows 2003







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