Check weather conditions in more than 50.000 cities
It's useful to have the weather forecasts always available in a desktop application. WeatherMate is simple but effective and lets you choose different cities for which you would like to know the weather forecasts. They can all be present at the same time in different tabs, and an icon with a short description will tell you whether the next day it will be better to have an umbrella or not.
The program uses the information provided by The Weather Channel, which has been monitoring the World's weather since 1982. In the option menu, you can choose to display a radar image of the places you have selected and to have a detailed description of the current conditions. Switch between Fahrenheit or Celsius or select the 'speak the weather' tool to have the near-term forecast read by a voice of which you can select volume, pitch and speed. The design is sufficiently clear, although no effort has been made to render the application particularly pleasant.
With WeatherMate you can monitor the weather of cities of your interest and get predictions for the coming days, up to a week. It's not possible to have information about the pollution level and the UV index though, which would have been very useful information.
Bugs fixed: The current conditions were not properly displayed if some measurements weren't available from The Weather Channel, and the automatic upgrade check mechanism would only work once after starting WeatherMate.
Bugs fixed: The current conditions were not properly displayed if some measurements weren't available from The Weather Channel, and the automatic upgrade check mechanism would only work once after starting WeatherMate.