Google News & Weather
Google News & Weather consolidates all your news into one place. Search, browse and customise from 1000's of news outlet worldwide. Also includes weather.
What does Google News & Weather do?
The app is nothing new in terms of function, there are plenty of ways to get all your news in one place. The advantages of using Google’s, though, is its powerful search functionality which ensure that when you are trying to find the content you want, you will get relevant results. Further, the app will make recommendations of sources you may not have heard of based on your preferences, broadening your media horizons. The app also enables you to easily pay for the content you value with one-clip subscription and payment services built in.
Are there any issues with Google News & Weather?
As with many Google products, the point here is data and content. You may find promoted content that you didn’t ask for appearing on your feed. However, most users will accept this as a price to pay for this free app. Also, not all sources are as easy to find as others, and if your focus is on local news you might miss out.