Quality Journalism in One App
The Guardian free app is the easiest way to access online content from one of the UK's foremost news and media outlets with plenty of political, sports and international writing. It allows you to tailor the various sections so you always see what matters to you.
Stay Up to Date With Breaking News
Known for its high-quality journalism, lifestyle features and political commentaries, the Guardian is an app that offers much more than just news updates. Laid out in handy-to-read sections, just like the printed version of the newspaper, the app allows you to get to what you want to read easily with the most recent articles given priority to the reader. As well as written material, it is possible to browse award-winning audio and video content. The Guardian also produces plenty of interactive content to take advantage of. Many of its photographs reproduced as high-resolution images which are crystal clear. Some content is available through a tiered layer which you have to subscribe for, but there is more than enough free material to keep most news-hungry people satisfied.
Read All About It?
The Guardian's app is great when you want to delve into the headlines, but it also provides plenty of in-depth analysis, too. Much of this can be read offline as well as on. You can even set it to offer news alerts to your device, if wanted, too.